Brain Evolution System - MBDREM

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The Truth Behind the Brain Evolution System
It is called the "most powerful self-development technology on earth."
Just slip on a pair of headphones to eradicate stress, sharpen your thinking,  and boost your mood. At least, that's what the box says.
Yes, I'm talking about the Brain  Evolution System ("BrainEv") - a  6-CD brainwave meditation program that has been taking the self-development  industry by storm since its release back in 2006.
On the surface, its goals seems similar to Holosync, Optimindzation, and other  similar brainwave CDs. The intention is to help lower your brainwaves - guiding  you into a deep state of mind, so you can quickly enjoy the many benefits of  long-term meditation.
But, as many of us have found out, many of these CDs simply don't work. They  require massive amounts of time, cost big dollars to purchase, and can be  incredibly, incredibly boring.
So was BrainEv really any better? I put it to the test.
For six whole weeks, I tried out the program. Listening for 30 minutes a day,  six times a week, I gave it a truly fair trial.
Yet strangely, unlike other programs, I almost instantly felt a difference with  BrainEv.
That's not really something I like to share. As a near-veteran in the  self-development world, it's rare to discover something that can have such  profoundly immediate effects.
However, without a doubt, after each session, I felt more in control, more  focused and more relaxed.
It's hard to describe exactly: I felt a general shift in my overall state,  rather than feeling like a "totally different" person.
Within the first week, I was feeling less stressed and more energetic overall.  Despite typically sleeping for nine hours each night and STILL feeling groggy, I  was now sleeping just six - and waking up feeling great. My mind was feeling  sharper than ever before, and I could sense a greater level of awareness.
Being a closet sceptic, I tried not to credit the change to BrainEv - but  there's no denying that it all started the moment I began the program.
Shifting in a few weeks, and friends began talking about my apparent new-found  sense of well-being. I had close buddies comment on my "soaring energy levels"  and "obvious Zen calmness." These are things that can't be scientifically  measured - but are most definitely seen and felt.
The support videos, follow-up e-mail messages and online support all made the  journey even more enjoyable. It's nice to see a company using modern media to  communicate - rather than newsletters in the post, or long-distance telephone  calls when you have queries.
After my first month, I shifted to Level 2.
I'd become so familiar with Level 1, and its oh-so-relaxing sounds, that Level 2  was a confusing landscape. I didn't want to shift. And yet within a couple of  days, those sounds became my new nirvana - and I really felt them gently  'working out' my brain muscle for me.
Two weeks into Level 2, and I'm finding myself thinking faster than before,  enjoying a greatly improved memory, feeling totally stress-free (something I  could never completely do before), and being more creative and imaginative than  ever.
And you know something? I did bad...
Because when I set out to review the Brain Evolution System, I had already  categorized it alongside Holosync, Hemi-Sync, Optimindzation, and all of the  other brainwave entrainment products out there. I had decided ahead of time that it was a probable waste of time.
But I was wrong. BrainEv is very different.
Is the Brain Evolution System truly the most powerful self-development tool in  the world?
I don't know about that. But it's certainly the most powerful brainwave  meditation program I'VE ever stumbled across.
My verdict: 10 out of 10. Great program, amazing benefits, beats the  competitors. Highly recommended!

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