Brain Salon - MBDREM

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My Review of Brain Salon
Imagine changing your state of mind – with the simple click of a button.
Get focused. Become happier. Even fall asleep. Just by clicking “Play.”
That’s what the producers of a new brainwave program are claiming. Merely  slip on your headphones, listen to a little enticing audio, and watch your  mental state shift – all within minutes.
Sounds like something from a science fiction movie?
Definitely. And that’s why I absolutely had to check it out.

Exploring the Brain Salon
When I first heard about the Brain Salon, it captured my attention  instantly.
Who could resist being able to control how they feel – just by listening  to a little audio?
The Brain Salon contains six 30-minute audio sessions, each of which claim  to bring about a specific state of mind.
Inside the Brain Salon box, you’ll find CDs containing sessions for  creativity, deep sleep, energy, focus, relaxation – there’s even a session for  boosting your happiness levels.
All you have to do is slip on your headphones, play the session for you –  and watch your state change, on-demand. At least, that’s what the bright orange  CD sleeve said.
So, I decided to give it a go.

Delving into 'The Zone'
Now, we’ve all been in The Zone at some point before.
That great place where everything just flows, where our thoughts are sharp  as a pin, and we perform at our absolute peak.
Well, ‘Razor Sharp’ is one of the Brain Salon sessions that promises to  recreate that state. But would it really affect my concentration?
Absent-minded, I played the session using headphones, while checking my  morning e-mail.
The euphoric sounds and vibration-style noises initially sounded a little  strange, but I soon began enjoying the experience.
Then, almost before I realized, the 30-minute session was over – and, wow,  my inbox was clear. That’s a process which usually takes me at least a couple of  hours or so each morning.
As I took off the headphones, I also noticed that my mind was completely  free of its usual “brain fog” – and that the clarity of my thinking was way  above my regular Friday morning standard.
The improvement in my acuity was highly noticeable, and the effects lasted  through much of the day. As an experiment, I skipped a day, then repeated the  experiment – and once again experienced the same results.
There could be no doubt about it. The ‘Razor Sharp’ session absolutely put  me into a state of total clarity, taking me straight from morning drudge to The  Zone in a matter of minutes.
That’s when I really got interested.

The World of 'Brainwave Entrainment'
I don’t know about you, but “how stuff works” really interests me.
And being a pretty logical person, I was intensely curious as to how  something like the Brain Salon could really backup its claims.
So I went to learn more, and discovered that it’s  all down to a science known as “brainwave entrainment.”
I’ve spent a lot of time researching this area, and there’s a really  useful explanation of the science on the Brain Salon website –  but, just for you, here are the essentials.
Every state of mind has a unique electrical signature that can be detected  in the brain. These signatures are known as “brainwaves.”
Using specialized equipment, such as an EEG machine, these waves can be  measured and recorded. That allows scientists to map what brainwave patterns are  present during certain states of mind. (Deep sleep, for example.)
The Brain Salon sessions use special inaudible pulses, mixed into the music, to  recreate these brainwave patterns. When you play such audio, the brain 'copies'  these patterns and recreates those states of mind.
States of mind such as creativity, relaxation, and deep sleep!
It’s completely safe, backed by over 75 years of brainwave research – and  absolutely, unbelievably amazing.
No question about it. I was hooked.

Beyond Basics: Exploring the Sessions
After experimenting with ‘Razor Focus’, I decided to explore the rest of  the Brain Salon series – with interesting results.
Being a troubled sleeper, I decided to check out ‘Ultra Deep Sleep’ one  night.
I just hit play while lying in my bed, and allowed myself to get soaked up  by the deep, etheric, pulsating sounds.
In no time at all, I’d fallen asleep. And not just any sleep, but perhaps  one of the deepest, undisturbed, most relaxing sleeps I’ve ever experienced.
The user manual isn't joking when it claims “you’ll probably never hear  the end of this session.”
The other sessions proved even more enjoyable.
I used “Happy Pill” one evening prior to a night out to dig myself out of  a bad mood, and get myself feeling peppy for the party night ahead. It worked  wonders. I was the life of the party, flowing with charisma and in the greatest  of moods.
“On absolute top form,” according to one close friend.
And it doesn’t stop there.
I’ve also used “High Energy Espresso” to really give me a total burst of  energy, just before a big day, a gym workout, or anything requiring big time  stamina.
And “Creative Spark” – which I’ve already used to triple the number of  business ideas I produce each week. Oh, and “Power Chill” too – the ideal  replacement for a glass of wine after work. It helps you to relax, chill out,  and recharge those batteries for the evening ahead.

When the orange Brain Salon box fell onto my doorstep, I couldn’t have  imagined the impact it would have on my life.
Who would’ve thought three simple CDs could do so much?
Happiness. Creativity. Deep sleep. Energy. Focus. Relaxation. All in one  little box. And all you have to do is hit the “Play” button to activate.
Arthur C. Clarke said that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is  indistinguishable from magic.”
This is that advanced technology. And for me, it really does work like  magic.
Does this sound like something from a science fiction movie? Yes.
But does it work? Definitely.

Rating: 10/10
Pros: It  works! Powerful. Portable. Sessions for each major mind state.
Cons: Need  30 minutes to listen to each session. Headphones recommended for some sessions.

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