Nitrofocus - MBDREM

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My Review of Nitrofocus:
"Get More Done in Less Time... With an MP3?"

Sharper focus. Enhanced concentration. Greater productivity. Getting into "The  Zone." More motivation.

In the 2011 film 'Limitless', Bradley Cooper simply popped a tiny pill, and  suddenly the whole of his brain power activated. All of those traits suddenly  flickered into play.

He was able to blast through work, quickly and intelligently. He could study  more and better than ever before. He finished chores at lightening speed. He  could come up with ideas and predictions at the speed of thought.

'Limitless' was a great film -- and a brilliant fantasy for the rest of us.

But, what if all those benefits were actually available -- right now?

And not using pills, but by using a simple little 'brain hack' that involves  nothing more than an MP3 file?

That's the claim of a new program called Nitrofocus. Intrigued, I decided to try  it out for myself.

The Power of Brainwave Science

Nitrofocus is a new MP3 audio program. It uses special 'brainwave' tones to help  increase focus levels, and bring about those 'Limitless'-style benefits.

Now, all this talk of brainwaves initially sounds quite complex. But it works  pretty simply.

The Nitrofocus MP3 audio contains frequency patterns, which match the brains  natural 'focus' frequencies. All of these frequency tones are cleverly embedded  inside audio tracks.

When you play the MP3s, and your brain hears them, it naturally copies them -  thereby bringing about a natural state of sharp focus and concentration.

This is a scientifically-proven process known as "brainwave entrainment."

Researched for over 100 years, brainwave entrainment has been used to help  reduce pain levels, increase mood, help patients overcome insomnia, lower stress  levels, and so much more. The more I learned, the more I was fascinated by the  applications. And for over 40 years, commercial applications of brainwave  entrainment have been available to the public - and at the cutting edge of this  research was Nitrofocus.

I was hooked. I had to find out more. So I decided to try it out for myself.

My First Listening Experience with Nitrofocus

The basic Nitrofocus experience is available as a free 7-day trial.

Once you start, you're immediately sent one of the main Nitrofocus sessions --  the 1-hour "Nitrofocus Classic" MP3 -- alongside a couple of other bonuses.

(By the way, this trial literally didn't cost a penny. If I wanted to upgrade to  a VIP customer later on, they would unlock further sessions. But the trial was  completely free regardless, and you can even keep the existing Nitrofocus  sessions should you decided to cancel.)

The Nitrofocus MP3 instructions are simple: just listen while you work. It  sounded like something from a Disney movie.

So, the very next day, I gave it a go. I had to write a few articles for one of  the websites I'm involved in. To help me out, I decided to play the Nitrofocus  MP3 in the background while I worked. It'd be a great opportunity to trial the  program.

I hit 'play'. The Nitrofocus Classic sounds begin.

Initially, it all sounded rather strange. A series of very soft, rapid tones,  all over a bed of gentle ocean-like static. I slip on a pair of headphones  (optional) and begin my work.

Suddenly, it's lunchtime.

And I'd not just completed one article. Rather, I'd completed a huge six  articles, many of which I'd been putting off for weeks. I'd also completely  cleared my inbox, and sat there wondering what to do next. I'd already finished  the next 2-3 days work, with effortlessly and with zero stress and resistance.

At first, I didn't credit it to Nitrofocus. I put it down to one of those "good  runs" that writers sometimes (although rarely!) get.

I left my office early, and decided to spend time with my family the rest of the  day, instead of indulging in even more work. I actually feel reluctant in taking  off the headphones. The sounds are so immersive, like a cuddly comfort blanket,  I feel I just want to leave it playing.

Encouraged, I decide to take my experimenting to the next level.

Blasting Through Messages, Chores and Reading

Over the next few days, I decided to continue using Nitrofocus, and measure the  difference it made to my day.

I listened regularly to this simple 1-hour Nitrofocus MP3, all while doing any  task that I needed to get in 'The Zone' with. And it started making a huge  difference in my life.

I began blasting through my work quicker than ever before. I blitzed through my  inbox, my writing, my project planning, my creative work, and so much more.  Suddenly things just became easier. I listened while doing house chores. I got  through them in minutes, and time just fly by, when it would've otherwise been a  real drag. I used it when reading, and managed to get through around three  business books within a single hour.

The motto of Nitrofocus is "Get more done, in less time" -- and, at least in my  experience, the statement was really holding true.

Just in case you were wondering, the Nitrofocus MP3 can be played on loop while  you work. You can use it with or without headphones. And it includes special  "white noise" sounds to help block out background distractions that may be  sucking away at your focus levels.

Within the first week of listening, it's fair to say that Nitrofocus doubled --  perhaps even tripled -- my productivity, all without any of the downsides  usually associated with overworking. I experienced zero stress. To the contrary,  I felt happy, breezy, refreshed and content.

Then, my account got unlocked...

Exploring the Full Nitrofocus VIP Program

I decided to continue beyond my 7-day free trial.

The friendly people behind the site sent me a few emails regarding this process,  and upgraded my account to a Nitrofocus VIP account. The total cost was $97.

That's when the full program suddenly becomes available to you. And then WOW. I  was impressed. This was where all the real value existed.

The full Nitrofocus program contains 5 main Nitrofocus MP3 sessions, each  lasting 1 full hour. These are Nitrofocus Classic, Nitrofocus Digital,  Nitrofocus Easy, Nitrofocus Workout and Nitrofocus Ocean.

You use all of them just like the original Nitrofocus Classic MP3, however they  each have their own different styles, so you can choose the one which most  matches your mood.

For example, Nitrofocus Workout I found to be just brilliant for using at the  gym, or when doing household chores. It was a high-energy Ibiza-style workout  mix that just had me pumping. And Nitrofocus Ocean was a more relaxing session,  which I tended to use more when writing in the evenings.

They all do the same task of sharpening your focus and rocketing your  productivity -- but each have their own unique style to match how you feel in  that moment. Just choose the one you want to listen to!

The full Nitrofocus program also contains a 50-page user guide, and 7 supporting  'brainwave' MP3s.

These are: the 5-Minute Break MP3, the 10-Minute Break MP3, the Brain Booster  MP3, the Focus Gym MP3, the Memory Commit MP3, the Analytical Builder MP3, and  the Anxiety Reducer MP3.

These sessions are all intended to support your use with the main Nitrofocus  program. The 10-Minute Break MP3, for example, I found incredibly relaxing, and  it made for a nice break between those super-productive hours of using the main  Nitrofocus MP3s. Memory Commit helped me commit a full speech I was working on  to memory, and Anxiety Reducer helped me to calm down just before delivering it.

When I first heard of Nitrofocus, I had thought it was just a simple, single  MP3. I was wrong. Nitrofocus is an entire brainwave MP3 package, designed to  help seriously improve your life -- all much more comprehensively than I had  ever imagined.

It also comes with extremely friendly lifetime support, and membership to a  highly active forum, where you can share tips and stories with thousands of  other users.

I'm normally quite the skeptic.

Yes, I knew that brainwave entrainment had been scientifically-proven for over  100 years. Yes, I understood how it should theoretically work. Yes, I fell in  love with the drama of the marketing.

But I didn't realize what a genuinely powerful and real-world immediate affect  it would have on me. All within minutes, and all just by listening to a simple  MP3.

The results using Nitrofocus have just gotten better and better over the past  month, and it's fair to call me a total convert.

I earned back the cost of this powerful program within the first hour of it  increasing my productivity.

I genuinely now see it as a no-brainer, and I've already recommended it to  several of my closest friends. From housewives to executives, and everyone  in-between: if you want to get more done in less time, then the Nitrofocus  program is absolutely for you.

It's "Limitless" -- but without the risk of taking a pill.

Just hit play, and watch your life change. It literally couldn't be easier.

My recommendation: Buy it!

PS. I wrote this review in exactly 12 minutes :)

Pros - Rapid results. Sharpens focus like nothing else. And it  really works!
Cons - Download only (no audio CD version). No telephone  support.

Start your free trial of the Nitrofocus program online at:
"Get More Done in Less Time...
With an MP3?"

Blast through chores.

Blast through messages.

Blast through reading.

And so much more...
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